The majority of Irish adults believe Noirin O’Sullivan should resign, according to our ‘State of the Nation’ survey

Results from our July edition of our ‘State of the Nation’ survey have caught the attention of the public in a recent press release. The summary of our findings are outlined below.

Nine in ten adults in Ireland considers that the credibility of An Garda Siochana has suffered or has been lost because of recent corruption scandals, and 55% believe the Commission should resign.

“This figure is higher among Fianna Fail voters (61%) and Sinn Fein voters (72%) than it is among Fine Gael voters (53%),” said Adrian Wistreich, Director of Research at Opinions. “Interestingly, two in three men would have her resign, compared to only 48% of women.

State of the Nation is a survey of 1000 adults in Ireland, conducted between July 17th and 21st among a sample drawn from Opinions 15,000 panel members using online questionnaires. The sample matched the Irish population aged 18 plus by sex, age profile and region.

The survey also found that:

  • Four in ten people believe that Northern Ireland should leave the UK and unify with the South, 26% disagree and 34% are undecided. More people under 40 support re-unification.
  • 66% of Sinn Fein voters support reunification, while one in four is undecided and 9% disagree.
  • Six in ten people would like to see a new leader with a new party, like Macron, in Irish politics.
  • If an election were held today, 17% of women say they would not vote, more than twice as many as men (8%). 18% of those living in households with annual incomes of under €50,000 would not vote, while only 8% of those in wealthier households would not vote.
  • Seven in ten people think that Sinn Fein should take up their seats in Westminster to oppose a DUP/Conservative pact in the UK government, and this rises to 78% among Sinn Fein voters.


The press release in full can be found by following this link:

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